Welcome to NDZNothing!

Lina Inverse
"Oi, minna-san! I, the beautiful and genius sorceress, Lina Inverse has been payed to help guide you into this site, so you should feel honored at my presence! ^-^ Now let me see, they told me to first say that this site is best viewed in 1024x768 and then to remind you that there is a Frames and a Non-Frames version. <wisper> <wisper> Personally, I think the Non-Frames looks best, but you need DHTML enabled on your browser...Oh! As one of my payments, ZERO made a shrine just for me and my lackies!" ^.^
//.v; "What did you just say?"
"Nothing.....Tonikakku, Gourry is there anything I'm missing from this site?"
"Hmm..." thinks for five to ten minutes. "Oi, Lina!"
"What site?"

Now that that's done, do you want Frames or Non-Frames ?
P.S. - If you hover the pointer over my pic, then you'll see something different<3~!
